Never Alone

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

Some of you may have seen the movie Overcomer, for those of you who have not, let me declare a spoiler alert here – but no worries; even after reading my comments on the movie in this post, I’m confident that when you see it for yourself you’ll be blessed.

The movie is about a girl named Hannah, a loner really who has no sense of who she is or if she even matters to anyone at all. The girl’s father left her and her mother right after she had been born and it was her understanding that he had since passed away.

Hannah did not know her father’s love for her until one day when the man, presumed dead re-entered her life. His life was a mess when she was born but in the 15 years that followed, he had come to believe in Jesus Christ and his prayer was to one day be reunited with his daughter.

Later, Hannah learned that her heavenly Father and Maker loved her too and that He demonstrated His love for her by sending His Son to redeem her. She also believed the gospel concerning Jesus and her connection with Him changed her completely.

Hannah was a cross country runner as her dad had been but because of an ongoing illness she struggled in every race. In the Overcomer allegory….the girls dad, bedridden and unable to be present with her for her final race led her to victory by coaching her through every mile of her race via a prerecorded message.

My friends as believers, we are all like Hannah. We are all in a race. We all struggle with things that hinder us in the race but our heavenly Father speaks tenderly to us. He has left us a “pre-recorded” message as well. Through those words, by His Spirit as well as other believers He encourages us, He informs us, He directs us and if we will listen and do what He says He will lead us to overcome every challenge and finish our race well!

Whatever you’re facing today and no matter what hurdles stand in your way, know that you are NEVER alone. God goes with you – trust Him for EVERY step!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

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