Jesus Christ – Our Refuge in Strange and Uncharted Waters

At the start of the year, as Covid-19 began to wrap itself around our lives, realities and futures; choking the life out of life for some of us, I read a book by Oswald Chambers titled, Our Ultimate Refuge. Five months later, as I re- read the book of Job, I am also revisiting the book written in a time not so different than our own. The nightly talks given to the men at the Imperial School of Instruction in the spring of 1917 which later became the source material of the book were given approximately 9 months before another global pandemic – the Spanish Flu, would sweep the globe on the heels of the end of the first world war.

The following is a quote from the publishers forward in the book:

Chambers presents God as not only our ultimate refuge, but our only refuge. With characteristic insight he discusses our myths of self-sufficiency and eternal optimism, revealing their inadequacy when faced with the destruction of all that human-kind values. Only with that sense of ultimate and utter loss do we come to admit that all we have is God.”

First, let me say that this article is NOT a book report; the reason I am sharing a few snippets with you is that once again mankind (not just Americans) is buffeted by circumstances mostly outside of our control. The current pandemic and the sense that the whole world has jumped upon the crazy train has shaken OUR own sense (or myth) of self-sufficiency and eternal optimism to its very core.

My question to you is, how are YOU handling this situation?

What are you doing in these uncharted waters? How are you responding to something you’ve never experienced before? Human beings only seem to have two gears for putting power into motion in their lives when under stress of any kind – fight or flight; run head first into the fray and do your level best to overcome what is trying to overcome you or, recognize that the fray is too much for you and attempt to flee from it. My usual response to things I don’t understand or feel ill equipped to handle is procrastination but, in this case, delaying how you’ll respond or trying to avoid the issue all together is NOT going to help at all. Fighting won’t help either, when it comes to something we know NOTHING about, and fleeing is equally futile. The problem with both is that fight or flight draws on OUR power, ability and determination to overcome a situation rather than on God.

I understand that most people want their pastor, preacher or spiritual leader to be perfect; some would say that if they are not perfect, they have no right to speak on spiritual matters. First let me be clear, the ONLY perfect spiritual leader was and is Jesus Christ, no pastor that ever served in ANY capacity anywhere has ever been “perfect!” We have flaws. We fail. I will tell you that as these last several month have unfolded, what with Covid19, the ineptitude of both the “experts” and our political leaders as to how to combat the virus and the upside-downness (I know it’s not a word) of a society which is now happy to “call (every) good evil and (every) evil good;” (Isaiah 5:20) I have allowed bitterness to creep up in me.  I have allowed anger and despair to overcome (at times) my peace and hope. You see, human beings by nature only look to themselves in times like these and when they do, they fall disastrously short of victory; not so for the son or daughter of God but sometimes we fail. Chambers wrote:

There are people today who are going through an onslaught of destruction that paralyzes all our platitudes and preaching; the ONLY thing that will bring relief is the consolation of Christ. It is a good thing to feel our own powerlessness in the face of destruction; it makes us KNOW how much we (do or do not) depend on God.”

The spiritual human and carnal Christian may declare, “God is my co-pilot” as if to say that “I got this until I don’t and then Jesus can take the wheel;” but the believer for whom God is their ONLY REFUGE sees God as their pilot, captain and driver – to him or her, He is the Lord seated on the throne of their life. But sometimes, when the storm is especially dreadful, some followers of Christ, like the disciples before them (Mark 4:35-41) may find themselves doing whatever THEY can to stay afloat, only crying out to God in prayer when their best efforts fail, but victory is available to all who believe on and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Speaking of victory, what would victory look like for you in times like these? A rebounded and robust economy? A vaccine to end the Corona virus? An end to the upheaval and violence of anarchists which is ruining our cities, disturbing the peace and weakening our nation? An end to “social injustice?”   I’m sorry, but if the economy, the virus, the violence or the “injustice” is all that’s on your mind – YOU are MISSING the big picture.

I’m going to leave this here:

…it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27)

There is more to the passage from which the above quote is taken, but the point is clear – death will come to each of us one day and in that day, your 401k, your health, your wealth, the unrest of this world and EVERY form of injustice will no longer matter AT ALL! The Apostle Paul wrote, “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.” (1 Timothy 6:7); we fear death, disruption of peace, health and safety, we fear poverty but there are SO many people who do not “fear Him who has power to cast into hell” (Luke 12:5).  Now is the time to address the one elephant in the room which if not addressed now you may never be able to address again – the eternal destination of your soul and what to do about Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God!

Jesus said that life is NOT about what you eat or what you put on (Luke 12:22-23) its about MORE than that, and while the meaning or purpose of life has as many definitions as it does definers, life in my mind has one purpose – it is the time we are given to make the decision of a lifetime: to believe in Jesus Christ and then to live accordingly. My friends, we can get wound up by all that is happening around us or we can see ourselves as God sees us (as sinners) and then call on Him who died in our place, for our sins and receive the gracious gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-10).

If you’re reading this and sense the Lord drawing you to trust in Him, consider, “…now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2)

Don’t let this time pass you by…

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