I heard something the other day that I hadn’t considered before concerning our tears before the Lord. King David wrote in (Psalm 56:8) that the Lord collects our collective tears in a bottle; that is, that every tear of every child of God who has ever or will ever live, every one shed in grief, sorrow, loneliness and despair is being collected for the day when He makes (Isaiah 61:3) “beauty for ashes” and “joy for mourning” and causes the days of “our light affliction” (2 Corinthians 4:17) to be over shadowed by an “exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”
But the same Bible which declares that also depicts the Lord Jesus as weeping.
Was He in despair? Yes and no. Was He grieved ? Again, yes and no. Was He afraid? Once more, yes and no, and to that last one some might be tempted to defend the Lord’s mightiness and say that our God is NEVER afraid. I say to you that in the garden, it was the human side of Jesus (the Son of Man) which cried out to His Father in (Luke 22:42), “If it is Your will, take this cup from Me; nevertheless not My will but Your’s, be done.” It was as the Son of God (the divine side) that Jesus earlier had said, ““Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour.” (John 12:27)
So often, when we see the Lord crying, whether at the grave site of Lazarus or upon His humbly grand entrance into Jerusalem a week before His crucifixion, it is not for Himself. His are tears of empathy, compassion and yes despair – despair because those He came for were missing the point. He said then in (Luke 19:41-44):
“If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.“
God’s grace was costing Jesus everything and the ones He came for were missing it – are you?
I have a terrible tendency to hurt my wife, not directly, not with hands or even words but by my actions I sometimes wound her deeply. A week ago as the message on grace was concluding and a time of reflection was called for in advance of the Lord’s supper I saw her – she was wiping away tears as once again she both reflected on the costly grace of God towards her and His call for us to be gracious to one another. One more time she was being obedient to the Lord in showing grace to me.
We’ve all sung about grace – most of us are familiar with the hymn Amazing Grace and some of us have sung songs about grace like the one we sang today with lyrics like “grace – comes – like – a – wave – crash – ing – o – ver – me.” We sing as recipients of grace with joy and exuberant gratitude but what does the song of the giver sound like? How do you know when grace has gone out of you? How do you know when you have shown grace? If I may, you know when grace has gone out because often time grace hurts the giver.
We are all called to be reconcilers (see 2 Corinthians 5:18) in a general and evangelistic sense and also in our most personal relationships (see Ephesians 4:26, Malachi 2:14-15). Ask the man (like Hosea) or the woman who has ever been betrayed in a relationship and then reconciled and forgiven his or her mate if the grace of that forgiveness hurt them and you will understand that often grace hurts the giver.
In order to reconcile the world to Himself, Almighty God dispatched His only begotten Son on a mission of reconciliation which would cost both Father and Son everything. Without question, the humiliation, suffering and torture of the Lord Jesus hurt Him but it also hurt the Father deeply nevertheless, without that costly grace we would all still be doomed to eternal suffering in hell; without that costly grace, relationships would fail and families would fall apart – nothing good results when grace is absent.
On our behalf, Almighty God weighed the cost of His grace and sent His Son anyways.
I wonder, can we sing of the Lord’s amazing grace as genuinely having only received it or does the song become more meaningful when being gracious has cost us too?
I think grace means more when its recipients give it away…
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