God’s Best Gift

Satisfied with less…

Does that describe the hearts of people during a season which I’ve come to call the season of discontent – are they satisfied with less?

Are you?

I call it a season of discontent because when asked, rather than an “I have everything I need”” people young and old readily state what they want for Christmas. In reality, discontent rather than contentment is a problem for many people and the materialism of the season feeds that felt need for more or better.

This isn’t a rant on that but it is meant to challenge you to consider your desires. You see, I believe that the desire which God has for your life is far greater and better than what you want for and from it. I Believe that most people are simply satisfied with less than what God in Christ wants for them.

Those outside of faith in Jesus Christ are perfectly content to be in the condition I just described and that fact makes clear to me that while some people are never truly content with the things they possess – more are simply content with less.

Jesus Christ promised abundant life (John 10:10) to those who trust in Him – abundant life now and forever more but so many people are satisfied with less than that.

So many are satisfied with less because they can’t imagine a better life, a fuller life or a happier life than the one they have – they are satisfied with less because they don’t know or believe that there is more or better than what they have now or that they can have it.

God sent His Son to usher in better things – whether you know it or not, more than anything else, you really have need of those better things – of grace, mercy, forgiveness, eternal life and an eternal relationship with the Lord.

In Christ, those better things have been provided and are yours for the asking.

Click the link to listen to the full message on today’s subject. https://www.thetextmessages.org/sermons/gods-best-gift/

Green Pastures…Still Waters

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.” (Psalm 23)

Green pastures…still waters – you can just about hear the gentle breeze blowing in the trees and through the grass as the water gently passes by; it just doesn’t get much better than that – this is a picture of the peace of God.  I love that picture don’t you? If such a place as that spoken of in this passage is the only place where we may find peace and rest for our souls you and I are in deep trouble because it’s a rare occasion that we get to a place like that.

Does that mean that we can’t have the peace that David spoke of in these verses?

No, the peace of God is not circumstantial –it isn’t dependent on where you’re at physically; it is dependent on where you are spiritually.  The peace from God is first a mindset that comes from a confidence that all will be well and that confidence comes from trust.  Isaiah said of God, [Isa.26:3] “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”  King David, the ‘under-shepherd’ of God’s people Israel wrote this psalm as a dependent follower of the living God; his mind was stayed on, concentrated on, and focused upon – God. No matter what was happening on the outside, he had peace because it was his God rather than his circumstances that gave him peace.

Think about that for a moment.

The pandemic affecting the world has led to the shut down of nearly everything. Some people haven’t stopped working – truckers, first responders, doctors, nurses and others in the medical profession, retailers and grocers to name a few, but the majority of us have been told to stop and stay home. But what if what most of us have viewed as a negative situation could really be for our good? When He makes us to lie down, when He gives us a moment to rest in green grass – what do you do? You only have two choices: you can choose to lie down OR you can choose to refuse to lie down.

God uses, He turns, He makes “…all things work together FOR GOOD to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Even something like what the world is going through right now.

What is the Lord’s purpose in THIS moment that we are all going through?

Consider the fact that some of you, prior to this “storm” were complaining about how tired you were. Some of you, prior to this “season” were so busy that your spiritual life was suffering; some of you were so busy that your family life was suffering and some of you were so busy that your marriages were suffering. Some of you, prior to this moment were longing to get closer to God but because you were so busy could never find the time.

In this moment, He has slowed you down. In this moment, He has caused you to lie down. In this moment, He has given you an opportunity to rest yourself, an opportunity to repair your relationships and an opportunity to search for, listen to and hear Him.

Have you slowed down or are you now complaining about what might happen because you’re not busy at work? He has given you a moment to catch up, check up and listen up – are you?

Like some of you, I’m pretty stubborn – I like to be in control of my life. When I’m told to sit down, I want to stand up. When I’m told to be silent, I want to talk. I’m the guy who thinks to himself after he’s been told to sit down, “I’m sitting on the outside but I’m standing up on the inside!”  All joking aside, the reality is that like it or not, God IS in control – not you and not me. Jesus told us not to worry. Why, because it changes nothing. He said in (Matthew 6:27): “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” Worry changes nothing but your attitude and your health – stress kills – worry fixes nothing.

Considering the opening statement in (Psalm 23), can you say that the Lord is YOUR Shepherd?

If He is, let Him lay you down to rest; don’t worry, don’t let your wants consume your thoughts – be content in this moment. If the Lord is YOUR Shepherd, let Him lead you beside still waters and restore your soul (v.2-3) – draw near to Him, seek Him, find your rest in Him; let Him turn even this moment into something good in your life.

Is He your Shepherd? Let His presence in your life comfort you (v.4) – because He IS with you, you need not fear.

Is this moment REAL?  Yes.

Is Almighty God MORE REAL? Yes.

Is our Great God MORE THAN ABLE?  Yes, His word declares that HE is able to deliver us either FROM the fire (see Daniel 3:17) or THROUGH it (see Daniel 3:22-26).

It is not my intention to diminish or dismiss the seriousness of this season into which the whole world finds itself. But neither can I diminish or dismiss that He who is God over both the hills and the valleys of life IS also IN CONTROL!

What is God’s purpose in this moment for you? For some, it is a time to rest, for others it may be a time to restore relationships and reflect on Him who saved you and also for others it may be a time to finally repent of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ. Take the time! Use it for the purpose for which it has been given! Whatever the purpose, the opportunity may not come your way again.

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