Most people know what hearsay is – it is the repeating of something someone else heard another person say to someone else. It’s a lot like gossip and it is inadmissible in a court of law.
A. W. Tozer once wrote: “There are many in the churches of our day who talk some of the Christian language but who know God only by hearsay.” Continuing he wrote, “Most of them have read something about God but their own personal knowledge of God is very slight.” They are satisfied in hearing with out doing and letting someone else seek, find and then tell them about it.
May I ask, does that describe you, the reader today? It’s important even in this season when we focus on the incarnation of Christ to ask ourselves the hard questions. Do you know the Lord? Is your faith built on your experience or someone elses?
In the gospel of John (chapter 4) we read of a woman, an outcast in her community really who encountered Jesus one day beside a well. Without ever having met her before He told her (v29) “all things that (she) ever did.” She was so excited that she went back to her community and invited them to “come and see Him.”
At first, the Bible says, “many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of” what she had told them (v. 39). Later, after an extended visit with the Lord Jesus they said to the woman, (v. 42) “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him, and we KNOW that He is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world!“
Listen, no ones faith but your own can save you; not your wife’s, husband’s, parent’s or pastors faith can save you – hearsay faith is as inadmissible (even more so these days) in the court of the Lord as it is the court of man!
Don’t settle for it.
Don’t settle for a hearsay religion! Seek Him! Earnestly grope or grasp (Acts 17:26-27) for Him! He will be found, known and experienced by those who “seek Him with ALL of their hearts.” (Jeremiah 29:13)
To know Him, seek Him…
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