Giving Till it Hurts

This is Rudy Vargas and he is an unusual man.

Rudy is the pastor of a ministry called Heaven Scent Baptist Mission. His is a mission what goes to people most people reading this would NEVER go to. Forgive me but first of all, way too many ministries expect the people to come to them – to their churches.

Rudy goes.

Rudy was an inmate in the Texas correctional system, now he ministers from the outside to those he formerly ministered to on the inside. Offering those who want to go deeper with the Lord a rigorous study of Biblical doctrines so that they may rightly divide (rightly understand and teach) the Word of God. Corresponding with those men, Rudy encourages their study and rewards those who complete the program with a certificate and a Bible.

Rudy was also on the streets for a time as a homeless person, now he ministers to the same in the city of Victoria Texas. Weekly, he ministers to those he finds on the streets; once a week (at least) he and his wife (Julie) prepare sack lunches for the homeless which they take to the people on the street sharing the “bread of life” with them first and then the food and at various times also clothing that has been collected.

Rudy was once a troubled youth, now he ministers to at risk kids, showing them the love of Jesus, leading them to faith in Christ and then discipling them to live out their faith in Jesus Christ. His ministry to these youth, mostly junior and senior high school age, is the only Christian influence some of them are exposed to.

The Lord is making a difference in lives through Rudy Vargas; so why am I bringing him to your attention today?

Rudy’s ministry is not brick and mortar – he works from his home office; in addition to that, Rudy does not receive the benefit of tithes and offerings from which to conduct ministry. Unlike most full time ministers, he receives no compensation nevertheless, from his own “mites” he serves the Lord by serving others; like the widow of (Matt. 12:41-44) Rudy does not give from his excess but from his own poverty.

This is how Rudy describes his ministry to his Facebook subscribers:

We are a faith based and Jesus Christ centered non profit 501c3 organization, with a three fold function. First we are a congregation, and assembly (Church) of Bible Believing Christians, who come together on the basis of the Bible. We have a youth mission, in which we reach out to, and disciple young people, to nurture them in their faith, guiding them towards a Christ centered life. Our team of disciples, built from the ground up, discipling others to be apart of Jesus Christ’s mission to the world. Second we are a Street Ministry that takes the gospel to those who might not be reached by other Christian organizations, feeding the homeless as we minister, and counsel the less fortunate with God’s holy word. And thirdly we are a Prison Ministry, going into the prisons, reaching out to those who have quite often been forgotten, or discarded by their families, and society. Offering Bible correspondence courses, providing Authorized King James Bible’s upon completion, certifying them as inside ministry team members in order to continue the mission from the inside. All for the glory of God our Savior, and to touch those with the love of Christ Jesus, who died for our sins, and with the hope of leading others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, helping them change their lives as we have. Bringing hope to the hopeless in this world. ”

I am writing in hopes that as some of you read it you’ll send up a prayer for this brother in Christ. Additionally, I am writing so that some of you might share a word of encouragement with Rudy and I am writing in the hopes that a few of you might even consider helping this ministry materially. You can contact Rudy by searching on Facebook for Heaven Scent Baptist Mission or by clicking the group link

If you are led to help materially you can do so through PayPal:

Additionally, if you can help and don’t want to use paypal, please message me directly on The Text Messages Facebook page for other ways to help.

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