Stay Sharp

Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine.  Continue in them, for in doing this you will save (sozo, deliver from bondage) both yourself and those who hear you.” (1 Timothy 4:16)

I recently heard an Irish folk tale that goes something like this: Two lumberjacks – one older and proven; the other, young and with something to prove were taking their lunch break one day when the younger stepped up to the older and challenged him to a contest. The younger proposed that they compete to see which of them could fell more trees in a single day. The older lumberjack accepted the challenge.

The next morning at the sound of a whistle the two began hacking away…the younger relentlessly going at tree after tree; the older lumberjack on the other hand took a fifteen minute break after every tree he felled. At the end of the day the trees were tallied and the older woodcutter won. The younger, astonished at his defeat turned to his opponent and asked, “How did you knock down more trees than I did? I know that you took a break between each tree and I did not.” The older and wiser woodcutter responded, “What you don’t know is that during each break I spent the time sharpening my axe.”

In Christian ministry as in other works where our focus and priority is on those around us it often happens that we neglect ourselves. The Christian minister is often so concerned with discipling others that he neglects to take the time to prepare himself. Just as a dull axe won’t cut wood well, a Christian minister, missionary or witness will have little impact in the lives of others if he fails to take time to work on or sharpen himself.

My friends, let us take the time, everyday to prepare ourselves BEFORE we set out to teach, preach or reach out to others in Jesus name.

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