What are you in pursuit of?
Some people are in pursuit of fame; they want to be known. Others are in pursuit of knowledge; they want to know. Still others are chasing after success believing that he who has the most stuff at the end of his life wins.
Some chase dreams, some chase shadows, some chase after the past and some a distant tomorrow…EVERYBODY is chasing something.
Your pursuit is your priority – your everything. You’ll move heaven and earth the acquire it. You may go broke chasing it, you may go crazy….you might even catch it but the chase WILL cost you something if what you’re chasing REALLY is your hearts desire.
Let me tell you about Jesus Christ
He left His Father’s side in a perfect place called heaven to come to our own very imperfect world. He did not come of His own accord….He was sent (John 3:16, Galatians 4:4) His Father sent Him. He was sent with a purpose: He was sent to acquire what His Father was in pursuit of – YOU and to accomplish His task He had to deal with the one thing that stood in the way – your sin.
He came in pursuit of you.
His Father was SO determined to connect with you that He not only SENT His eternal Son to be born into flesh but also to suffer the brutality of man and God’s own wrath to make the connection possible (Philippians 2:5-11). His pursuit cost Him His life but bought you an opportunity. You see, Jesus was not conquered by death, He conquered it (Hebrews 2:9, Isaiah 53:7-8, Acts 8:32-33), rising the third day (Matthew 16:21, Acts 10:40, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4) and in the process destroying every obstacle between you and God and yet…
To have what He died to provide you MUST receive it by faith (Matthew 10:40, John 1:12, Roman’s 10:9-10 Ephesians 2:8-10).
Have you received Him into your life?
Assuming you have, are you now in pursuit of Him? Once upon a time, we all chased after things which pleased and gratified our flesh but also grieved the Lord, are you now pursuing Him with as much passion and intention? (2Cor 5:15)
If you have NOT yet received the Lord into your life, He is still relentlessly pursuing you, through circumstances, through other people, through His Word and by a gnawing conviction from His Spirit that you are incomplete, that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness.
Will you receive Him today?
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