The sign may not be as common as it once was, but there was a day when a sign hung in the doors of restaurants and stores which stated: “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service.” Once upon a time, fine dining establishments required both its wait-staff and its patrons to dress in formal attire and even today, there are a handful around the country which still require it. Of those that do require it, loaner coats are provided for men who come unaware of it. Today, there are many places (hospitals, schools, worksites) which, based on your apparel, credentials or personal appearance you may or may not be able to enter.
The parable which Jesus told in (Matthew 22:1-14) not only illustrates that the kingdom of Heaven enforces a dress code, declaring the eternal importance of being properly attired and the implications for those who chose not to comply; it also makes it clear, that like the few fine dining establishments left today which enforce a dress code, the required attire is also provided.
Before we jump into the passage, lets consider for a moment the purpose of a parable.
A parable (parabŏlē in the GK) is defined as a fictitious narrative of common life conveying a moral. Most of us are accustomed to interpreting what we read in the Bible according to life as it is today and while we may apply it to daily life today, we must first understand or interpret it based on both the authors original intent and the hearers understanding of it in the day it was given. Thus, key to applying scripture today is understanding the historical, geographical and cultural context in which it was first spoken and received. A failure to do that will result in a flawed application of how to live out those biblical truths today.
I know what you’re thinking! You are thinking, “I don’t have the time to study the Bible like that! Why should I anyway? Isn’t that what pastors and teachers like you are for Rich?!” Well if, as J.I. Packer once said, “A misinterpreted Bible is a misunderstood Bible, which will lead us out of God’s way rather than in it,” shouldn’t each of us want to understand it as best we can? There are many good commentaries available today which will help you in your study of the Bible; likewise there are many good Christian websites like preceptaustin.org which provide a ton of solid biblical scholarship. Prayerfully utilizing tools like these as well as the sound teaching of trusted pastors and teachers can aid you in “rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
Regarding the text that we are about to study, it would serve us well to understand that while Jesus’ parable utilizes a wedding to illustrate the main point, the subject of Jesus’ parable here is NOT the “marriage supper of the Lamb” found in (Revelation 19:7-9) but the “the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 22:2); specifically, it addresses the basis upon which one is or is not welcome there. More on that next time…
Because this study is a little lengthy and in the hopes that you will continue to study it with me, we will unpack this important parable over the next week or so. I hope you’ll join me….
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