It struck me as I re-read the account of Matthew concerning the last portion of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem (Matt.20:20-34) that so often we seek the WRONG thing when we have the Lord’s attention.
Consider that two of the disciples, James and John – the proverbial “Sons of thunder” (clearly because their father’s name Zebedee meant thunder) sought greatness in the coming kingdom. That it was pride driving their request is evident when, after their mother had petitioned the Lord on their behalf, Jesus asked (v.22):
“Are you able to drink the cup I am about to drink, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?”
They said. ” We are able.”
Later, as they were journeying out of Jericho, the Lord Jesus and His disciples encountered two blind men. Mark tells us that one of the men was Bartimaeus, he and another had apparently taken their usual place beside the road out of town to beg for charity from the passers by (Mark 10:46). When they learned that Jesus was passing by they cried out to Him and in mercy He stopped and asked them what He had earlier asked the mother of Zebedee’s boys (Matt. 20:32):
“What do you want me to do for you?“
The blind men quickly replied,
“That our eyes be opened.”
Just as quickly, the Lord (v.34) had compassion, touched their eyes and restored their sight “and they followed Him.”
Many people are coming to hear the message of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem today. Many of them as blind spiritually as Bartimaeus was physically. The reader of this post today may also be spiritually blind to the fact that Jesus didn’t come to make you great in this world – to prosper you; He came to make you whole – to free you from bondage to sin and pride and to give you life.
I have learned that even the lost and spiritually blind man prays. Do you have enough faith to believe that He to whom you pray has the power and desire to answer you? Can you believe the words of Jesus in (John 3:16) which declare that from love God sent His Son and the words of Paul in (Romans 5:8) which proclaim that God extended and demonstrated His love toward us while we were still His enemies?
Knowing these things, what will you say when the Lord responds to you? When He mercifully asks, “What do you want Me to do for you” what will you seek?
I pray it is for sight that you ask. For opened eyes to see and to follow after Jesus.
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