The Wonders of a Winter Walk

When I was in my teens, I loved to walk alone. It didn’t matter where I walked, but My favorite places were along quiet roads, in the woods, or along the railroad tracks.

I recall many instances of getting onto the tracks near my grandparents house in Tonawanda NY and walking as far as I wanted either southwest towards Buffalo or north towards Wheatfield. My favorite times for these walks was in the dead of winter: Gray skies, snow covered ground, a slight wind blowing the cold air into my face.

I loved the solitude of those walks when all that I could hear was the song of the Chickadees, Tufted Titmouse, and other winter-tough song birds along with the crunch of the snow with each step I took. I cannot recall all that went through my mind in those days. What I do recall is a certain fearlessness. It never crossed my mind that it might be dangerous to walk alone in those places, to be frank, it rarely crosses my mind today when I take an opportunity presented by my location at the time, to go for a walk.

It may seem silly to the reader but my favorite walks were (and still are) taken on very cold days when I had to bundle up to stay warm. The reason for this may be stated by one word – home. Whether my walk began at my childhood home in Getzville, my grandparents house in Tonawanda, or my home today it always ended at a place where I was welcomed and loved, where it was warm and safe, and where I felt secure and at peace.

In a way, my whole life has been one great journey from home and to home. My life began as all life does, God brought me into this world by way of my parents. And while I didn’t really know it during those days, I was never really alone as I walked – never really alone; I would not be here today otherwise. While in those days my roaming may have been aimless wanderings, today I HAVE a destination: home. Not to Altair drive but nevertheless, a place where I am welcome and loved, a place of comfort and safety and a place of perfect peace and rest beside my Savior.

One day my journey will end and what a day that will be! I extend my hand to you….do you want join me? Care to go for a walk? By faith in Him, His home, my home can be your home too.

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